Flight Rising is a virtual pet game created by the Stormlight Workshop, based on the artworks of Jessica 'neondragon' Peffer. Lorewise, the game takes place in the fictional world of Sornieth, comprising of 11 countries, each ruled over by an elemental god. There are 11 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Shadow, Ice, Nature, Plague and Arcane. The world was created during three ages, and the game takes place in the fourth age, where sentient dragons are each part of a 'Flight' dedicated to an element (e.g 'Shadow Flight' are dragon clans and civilisations loyal to the Shadowbinder).
Earth god, First Age
Earth Flight dragons have brown eyes, and are into archaeology.
Snappers and Obelisks are dragon breeds made by Earthshaker.
Fire goddess, First Age
Fire Flight dragons have orange eyes, and are into metal forging.
Coatl and Banescales are dragons bred by Flamecaller.
Water god, First Age
Water Flight dragons have deep blue eyes, and are good at scrying the future.
Guardians are Tidelord's chosen dragon breed.
Wind god, First Age
Wind Flight dragons have pale green eyes and a carefree spirit.
Spirals and Skydancers are Windsinger's dragon breeds.
Lightning God, First Age, from battles between Tidelord and Windsinger
Lightning Flight dragons have cyan eyes and are into technology and science, they are efficient to an almost robotic degree.
Ridgebacks are Tidelord's chosen dragon breed.
Ice god, First Age, from battles between Flamecaller and Earthshaker
Ice Flight dragons have pale blue eyes
Tundra and Gaoler dragons
Light god, first age, created by a 4 way battle
Yellow eyes
Pearlcatchers, Imperials
First age, created as an inverse of Lightweaver
Purple Eyes
Nocturnes and Veilspun
Second Age
Pink Eyes
Mad scientist
Third age, Nature goddess
Deep green eyes
Plague goddess
Red eyes
Mirror and wildclaw dragons