
The Green Dragon is a real, magical, ancient being that made its only appearance in Scooby Doo and the Samurai Sword, a 2009 animated movie. The Green Dragon is the protector of Japan and the Sword of Destiny, and he is the one that long ago was given the Sword of Destiny by a humble blacksmith to stop the evil Dark Samurai and his Sword of Doom. The two of them battled in the sky and had a mighty and powerful clash. The noble Green Dragon was victorious and imprisoned the Dark Samurai's evil spirit inside the Sword of Doom, where it resides to this very day. The Green Dragon over time and centuries became very old, but still strong because he knew that the day would come when the Dark Samurai would be set free and return to ravage lands of Japan. In 2009 the Black Samurai's evil spirit was set free, but not before the Green Dragon chose Shogun Shaggy and Scooby to be noble and worthy wielders of the Sword of Destiny that finally defeated and destroyed the Sword of Doom and Black Samurai forever. The Green Dragon is a Serpentine Japanese dragon, very much close to Chinese dragons, but instead he carries a green Pearl in his hands.

Green Dragon

Green Dragon before Scooby and Shaggy.
