Jyuratodus is a wyvern making an appearance in the upcoming game Monster Hunter World.
Jyuratodus is a piscine wyvern, and appears to be related to Lavasioth. Much like Lavasioth, it has mostly replaced it's reptilian scales and wings for a fish-like body with short thick fins. It's often seen covered in a thick coating of mud.
Jyura makes its home in the muddy bog of the Wildspire Waste, a mostly desert region. It will on occasion travel farther upriver to a more clean wetland. The wyvern is one of the major predators there, hunting large fish and small creatures that wade through the mud. It is often known to clash with Barroth, a brutish theropod that frequently travels to muddy bogs to cover itself in mud or to sleep undisturbed.
Jyura is well adapted to swimming effortlessly through the dense muddy water, attacking with sheer bulk and sharp teeth. It can spit globs of mud at foes to slow them down, and uses it's mud coating to help defend itself.
Jyuradotus are very vulnerable to electricity and fire.
Using a local plant known as Watermoss in a hunting slinger will allow for rapid removal of the mud coating on Jyura's body.
Their back and head armor can be broken.