The Steel Dragon (Dungeons & Dragons) is a type of dragon in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It is a metallic dragon. The sociable steel dragons prefer the company of humanoids to that of other dragons. Their reasons range from admiration to greed. Steels take humanoid form more often rather than their natural shape.
Lairs and Terrain[]
Because steel dragons live in towns and cities, they live as humanoids do–in houses and establish humanoid histories and families. In case an enemy discovers its identity, a steel maintains a secondary lair in a ruin, such as a crumbling temple, castle, or tower. The harder it is for other creatures to reach such a site, the better. Wards, traps, and guardians protect these refuges.
Favored Treasure[]
Steel dragons invest in property and business. A steel that maintains multiple identities might hold controlling shares in two or more enterprises. Steels outfit their homes with art, antiquities, tomes, magic items, finery, and servants.
A steel dragon adapts its omnivorous diet to suit its surroundings. A young steel, unaccustomed to assuming humanoid form, might take a while to realize that it needs less to eat in that form than when it's in dragon form. To the disgust and amazement of those around it, such a dragon might consume two to three times more food than a normal humanoid.
Physical Characteristics[]
Compared to other metallic dragons, a steel dragon has a slight build and a small head. Swordlike frills grow from its head, elbows, and digits. Its wings consist of overlapping blades that look like feat ers, and the scales on the dragon's chest resemble shields. When a steel dragon adopts humanoid form, it retains something of its draconic nature: gray eyes, pale skin, hair the color of steel, or affectations such as steel jewelry.
Personality and Motivations[]
Steel dragons favor humans over other humanoids because of the race's adaptability and cleverness. For this reason, they live in human cities when possible.
For all their fascination with humanoid races, steel dragons cannot tolerate authority. To them, the law serves its purpose only when it maintains order flexibly, so that the dragons can protect their interests and advance their aims. A steel might spark a rebellion to overthrow an oppressive regime, even if doing so could lead to the destruction of its adopted community.
Relations with other Creatures[]
Steel dragons primarily keep the company of humans but also coexist with elves, half-elves, and dwarves. Steels particularly favor adventuring groups that operate on the fringes of established order and fight the despots that the dragons also oppose.
Opposition to tyranny pits steel dragons against gold dragons, bronze dragons, and chromatics. Disagreements with other dragons rarely blossom into violence, however; steel dragons cause trouble for their kin in subtler ways.
Jump to another metallic dragon:
Adamantine | Brass | Bronze | Cobalt | Copper | Gold | Iron | Mithral | Orium | Silver | Steel |